Cloning a Block
Once a block has been created, clicking the block will give you a few options to edit the description if needed, to delete and to also copy/clone the block which will create a duplicate block for the same time/date. Once a copy has been made, you can then drag to another staff and if the calendar is set to Weekly View the block can be dragged to another date.
Blocks can be cloned, with the orange button it can be copied as a single copy so it can be then moved to any desired column or slots needed, or copied to all staff using the red button.
Blocks support schedules too by selecting the Set Schedule you can create the span of recurrences you would like this block to be added
Recurring Blocks can be set to support frequencies, visits/times and optionally an end date can be set if needed to avoid calculating the "visits"
The following will create a recurring block every week, for the next two weeks on the date that this block has been created on, so if this block was selected on a Thursday, it will be added for this staff for the next 2 Thursdays
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