Balances & Deposits


Balances can be enabled in the Settings > Locations > select your location > Payments & Tax Rates - there you can add the payment option labelled Balance

To add a cart as a balance select the Balance payment option during checkout, this will put the entire cart on clients profile as a Balance

Accessing client deposits can be done in two places, the first is the Clients page which can be sorted by Balance amount on their profile (amounts > 0 are credits & amounts < 0 are balances)

To checkout using a clients balance when adding a client in the POS or if the client is already populated

Credits can be applied towards a cart which will remove the amount due

Balances can be applied to a cart which will be a new line item to pay for the balance


Deposits have been designed for single service bookings when booked online, this can be enabled in the Settings > Locations > select your location > Website Tools - Stripe will need to be connected and you can set the option to require payment for online bookings & the deposit amount as a percentage

Deposits can also be captured manually using hte POS ideally single service appointment bookings with a simple checkout, i.e. a deposit of $10 against a receipt of $20, this will reflect both on the receipt and also in the client's respective appointment

Discounts cannot be applied when closing our a deposit and tax will be calculated during checkout

There are two places to access deposits in the system

The Clients Appointment

From the clients appointment if there has been a deposit captured either online or using the POS it will reflect on the appointment

The Dashboard

From the dashboard all receipt deposits can be viewed in the lower right, showing both a total but a detailed list of all deposits. From here the receipt can be accessed & closed out

Last updated