Fields and Settings

SimpleSpa allows you to customize various settings for each staff/provider including:

Staff Image/Icon

You can click on the person icon on the top which will bring up a file picker so you can upload the staff/providers image or an icon

General contact information

Here you can add the staff/providers contact information, this information is only visible within your business and does not display in the online booking page besides the staff name (if staff selection is enabled in the online booking options)

Working Slots


Service Flat rate percentage of the commission for all services sold using the POS, setting this will be effective for transactions occurring after this has been set Product Flat rate percentage of the commission for all products sold using the POS, setting this will be effective for transactions occurring after this has been set Hourly Rate Used for calculating Clock In/Out cost and the cost of actual service time


Can Login If the provider has an email on file, this checkbox will appear - toggling it on will send a welcome email and the staff will be granted staff access to SimpleSpa to view their own schedule, if Can Login has already been set a new user will be created in the users page with the staff/providers email, you can manage and manually reset their password at any time Appointment Notifications Based on the Email, and Mobile number SimpleSpa will send notifications Show Online Show the staff to be bookable online Hide Calendar Hide the staff from the visible Appointments calendar Color Code Set a custom color for the providers scheduled appointments, this will show as a discrete colored bar in each appointment along with status color codes

Last updated