Creating an Appointment

SimpleSpa allows you to book an appointment with three different ways, and two really simple wizards to book fast and efficiently

Directly from the calendar click on any available 'white' slot in the calendar view for a staff you will get a wizard window, this is our fastest appointment booking wizard with two basic steps, the first step you select the service, and the second step is to add the customer information, you can either search for a customer or add their information if it is a new client. The last step is to confirm and make the booking. Let's break this down in 4 quick steps:

  • Select a time in any available white area in the appointment page

  • The Appointment Wizard Popup will appear, and here you can quickly select a service, as SimpleSpa learns from your bookings, the top 10 services will start populating on the top section

  • The next step is adding the client & appointment notes

    • Clients: You can search for a client by name or mobile number, if the client does not exist pressing the add client will bring up a prompt to add a new client

    • WalkIn: You may need to quickly add a booking without adding the client, you can do so by using the "WalkIn" button which will create a booking for a walkin

    • Notes: These are appointments notes, these are associated to the clients specific appointment and they will appear when a client has booked the same appointment again in the future along with additional notes taken for the same service

  • Finally the last step is to confirm the booking information and review the past booking history

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