Gift Cards & Gift Certificates

SimpleSpa offers a powerful gift card management tool, so you can issue and let your clients use their gift cards with a rolling balance. Our integrated payments also supports issuing custom magnetic Gift Cards that can be scanned and recorded with their balance always on check with our system. To create a Gift Card go to the Gift Certificates/Cards section in SimpleSpa, if you haven't already made a Gift Certificate create one now. You can enter a name, a cost (how much will the Gift Card be purchased for), and a value (how much will this Gift Card be worth). We recommend that you create one Gift Certificate to serve as a template (same cost/value), and if you have promotional Gift Certificates then make those unique. The template Gift Certificate should be used when you have a client wanting to purchase a variable Gift Certificate

The Gift Certificates page in SimpleSpa

Creating a Gift Certificate

To create a Gift Certificate, visit the Gift Certificates page and press the +Gift Certificate button

The Add Gift Certificate button in the SimpleSpa Gift Certificates page

To sell a Gift Certificate in the SimpleSpa POS you will need to first create it in the Gift Certificates page, add the respective fields including:


The name of the Gift Certificate, this will appear in the POS, Online (if enabled), and when sending via email


The price the customer will pay to acquire this Gift Certificate


The value the Gift Certificate will have i.e. a Cost of $50 but a value of $60will mean that a client has paid $50 but is receiving a value to be redeemed of $60


Set from the time of sale, how long the Gift Certificate should be valid for

Show Online

Display this Gift Certificate online (if Stripe has been connected and the booking link has been set)

Can Customize

Allow your clients to change the value of the Gift Certificate to be purchased online


To add an image click on the tag icon and select an image from your device, this image will appear in the page online displaying your available Gift Certificates (Show Online will need to be toggled in order for the Gift Certificate to show online)

The Add Gift Certificate prompt in SimpleSpa

Last updated