Fields and Products Settings

Fields and Settings available per Product

SimpleSpa allows you to customize various settings for each product including:


This will be the service name that you and your clients can refer to


This is the assigned category of this service, you can click and select another category from the dropdown


Enter the barcode or SKU for this product


This is the retail price for the product


This is the retail price for the product


If the service is on a special price, you can set the special price here which will indicate on the Online Booking and the POS that this is a special priced item

Tax Rate

Each product can have a distinct tax rate according to your needs, tax is calculated based on the location settings (Sales Tax or VAT) found in the Settings > Locations > Payments & Tax Rates > Tax Type

Enable Commissions

Toggling this on will allow commissions to be allocated towards your staff for this product, note that commissions will be allocated from the moment it is toggled on for transactions going forward from enabling this setting, in the event that commissions had been toggled off during a previous period commissions will not be recorded until this is checked again.

Show Online

Toggle this on for the product to be available online, toggle this off for the product to not display online, products are available online if your account is connected with Stripe


Set if inventory should be recorded (on), or not recorded (off) - when a sale is made using the POS the respective units will be deducted from the existing inventory. When inventory reaches 0; the product will show a distinct warning that there is no inventory remaining; if this warning is bypassed and the sale is completed while the product has 0 inventory no further inventory will be deducted (i.e. negative inventory will not be reflected but will remain as 0)

Inventory Purchases

If Inventory is toggled on, then you can quickly see the Inventory Purchases per product item by visiting the Edit Prompt for any product and then going to the Inventory Purchases tab. These are transactions made within the business to add or remove inventory, this is not retail sales made using the POS

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